Re: [Salon] The Biden-Trump Debate: The Obsolescence of White Supremacy as Perspective

Thanks so very much !!

Kind Regards,

Professor  John Huston Stanfield  

USA Citizen

Mauritius Long Term Resident and Namibia Business Employer Visa 

ASARPI: Advanced Study of African Renaissance Policies Ideas
Mauritius-Namibia-South Africa
Global Headquarters
Gateway Building 508
St.Jean Rd.
Quatre Bornes, Mauritius 72249
Mail: PO BOX 46, Quatre Bornes, Mauritius 72249
Mobile/Mauritius WhatsApp+230-59357602;
Email: director@

ASARPI: Advanced Study of African Renaissance Policies Ideas is a hybrid nonaligned Pan-African and growing Pan-Asian policy advocacy think tank globally headquartered in Mauritius with branches in Namibia and South Africa. We do much of our work through Study-Practice Groups which convene engagement processes involving multiple stakeholder representatives ranging from impacted grassroots communities to the highest private and public sector policy to decision- making circles to develop strategies and models for governments and civil societies to adress public good and quality of life challenges.

ASARPI in 2023 alone developed a rapid topical appetizers round robin model for briefing foreign dignitaries such as ministers of foreign affairs visiting Mauritius about Indian Ocean Region affairs in the midst of global affairs already adopted by the South African Minister of Foreign Affairs in her briefing requirements in SA diplomatic missions around the world. As well, in this recent period of time,ASARPI established a human rights oriented training institute for all vocations and disciplines: ASARPIversity plus a Study-Practice monitored social responsibility tourism platform:ASRAT: ASARPI Social Responsibility African Tours operating in several Southern African (SADC) nations , the Study-Practice Group for Innovative African Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners such as A to Z Personal and Home Service Providers, and AAFIP- ASARPI African//Diasporas Fundraising Initiatives Program.  We have in early 2024 launched our Peace Listening and Nothing Wasted in Africa: Recycling Entrepreneurship Study-Practice Groups

We are aggressively going after funds to establish unprecedented study-practice groups  addressing women entrepreneurs,  anti-gender violence, peace negotiations,  and waste recycling entrepreneurship in African  contexts and cross-national multicultural restorative justice engagement processes in African Slavery Legacy and Other Multiracialized Societies.

In early January of this year,ASARPI became  a member of the Global South Centre of Excellence @Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi, India, at the invitation of the Prime Minister of India through the Indian Ministry of Indian External  Affairs and the India High Commission in Mauritius. ASARPI is the first  Indian Ocean Region RIS  member and one of several  in Africa  of this emerging network of significant Global South think tanks.We will be soon co-hosting an African- Arab Middle Eastern Studied Webinar Series on cross- regional collaborative solutions to pressing quality of life issues with a leading Middle Eastern research center.

To coordinate our China and global Chinese Diasporas initiatives,  we are recruiting a globally well connected Chinese South African woman from Beijing residing in Toronto . She has a PhD. In public policy evaluation from Stellenbosch University in South Africa. She will be  ASARPI 's liason to business , trade, and cultural in China and in the Chinese Mauritius community and in other areas of the Global Chinese Diasporas such as in the Western Hemisphere and Australia. 

Editorial Board Member: The American    Sociologist

Founding  Series Editor: African Worlds: New Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Berghahn Books

Online MODERN DIPLOMACY Occasional Contributor



"Professor John" Huston Stanfield , Director of ASARPI, is a noteworthy global  scholar and policy influential in African and African Diasporas Studies and Policies.

He served as the 2019-2020 University of Mauritius SSR Chair of African Studies ( named after the founding first Prime Minister  of Mauritius)and held the prestigious title of 2018-2019 Ethiopia U.S. Ambassador Distinguished Scholar. With a rich background, he was a 2016-2018 Distinguished Fellow at the South Africa Human Sciences Research Council in Cape Town.

He was a member of the faculty in the Online Ph.D. Program in Public Policy at Walden University in Johannesburg from 2015 to 2016. In 2014-2015, he took on the role of Interim Distinguished Professor and Founder at the Mogae International Development and Governance Institute at Botswana International University of Sciences and Technology (named after a former President of Botswana).

Prof John was a Senior Strategic Adviser to the Rwanda National Unity and Reconciliation Commission and Rwanda Governance Board in 2011-2012. In 2007-08, he held the position of Distinguished Fulbright Chair in American Studies at Catholic University Rio de Janeiro ( first Black social scientist awarded such a distinguished Fulbright award).

Throughout his career as a first generation college student, Prof John has been a dedicated educator and mentor  serving as a Professor at Fielding Graduate University from 2006 to 2012. He holds the title of Emeritus Professor at Indiana University Bloomington since 2015, contributing significantly to the fields of African American, African Diaspora, African Studies, American Studies, Caribbean and Latin American Studies, and the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, and Sociology.

His academic journey included senior faculty positions at various prestigious institutions, including Yale University (1981-88 -first native born Black promoted in the Department of Sociology), College of William and Mary (1988-93- first Black sociologist to occupy an endowed named chair in historically elite white American academia), University of California Davis (1993-98-Full  Professor Step V+, one of  the youngest), and Morehouse College (1998-02-Avalon Professor and Chair,Sociology).

Prof John earned his B.A. magna cum laude, with summa cum laude distinction in Sociology and received the Outstanding Graduating Senior Award from California State University Fresno  on commencement night( first and last Black as far as he knows). He holds an M.A. and Ph.D. from Northwestern University  ( at age 25)and a Masters of Sacred Theology from Boston University (  allowed to skip over Masters of Divinity degree).

Prof John has deep Arkansas and Mississippi roots with significant deep southern Native American background. Both sets of his paternal and maternal grandparents and their children had to flee southern white terror in the 1920s. He was born and raised in small town/rural upstate New York State and since mid-adolescence is from Northern California.

Senior Pastoral Facilitator of Global Interfaith Faith and Justice Sunday Conversations read extensively around the world, Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation Institute Associate,  Member.


On Sun, Jun 30, 2024, 5:29 PM Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:

The Biden-Trump Debate: The Obsolescence of White Supremacy as Perspective

The commentaries about the Biden-Trump debate the other night , last Thursday to be exact,tells us how ageist the United States remains even after decades of anti-ageism federal laws and policies.

Former President Donald Trump, left, and President Joe Biden take part in the CNN presidential debate on Thursday, June 27. Will Lanzoni/CNN

The commentaries about the Biden-Trump debate the other night , last Thursday to be exact,tells us how ageist the United States remains even after decades of anti-ageism federal laws and policies. It hasn’t been surprising to find others around the world following suit considering ageism is the most basic prejudice and inequality we human beings practice. You feel it as you get older since the expectations of your capacities in all ways decline in the aging process as seen in all the childlike stereotypes which come your way as an older person. If you are too young to understand what I mean just wait if you are blessed to grow older, much older.

The media gurus and the politicians and their donors were just waiting to pounce on Biden when the traits of his aging behavior became apparent on prime time. Do we prefer to have a confirmed raging lying egomaniac with clear Fascist dictator tendencies to return to the White House rather than a decent man be re-elected doing the best he can to protect Americans in our declining democracy? 

I ask this while not agreeing with Biden on allowing the right wing Israeli head of state do genocide and keeping America active in the lost war in Ukraine and his refusal to use restorative justice measures to resolve racial polarization in America. He actually has embraced too many Trump domestic and foreign policies for me to stomach. In fact in many respects that night, early morning in Mauritius, Biden and Trump sounded alike though with different ideological twists here and there such as their neoliberal views on how to help Black families and their militaristic views on maintaining American global greatness real or delusionary depending on which side of the political aisle you are sitting or standing on or both.

People naively think what we need is a younger person who doesn’t lose his or her words while speaking though many actually do too. It is not age, it is perspective change we need. There are younger people as well as older persons who are centralists or right wing or populists which America does not need at this moment. And there are those with twisted views on religion while being haters who are young as well as old. And there are those younger as well as older who are warmongers, who don’t care about the poor or about the young or old.

We need fresh empowering ideas about what it means to be an American society which has always been multicultural in denial with a too long history of denying the constitutional and human rights of too many due to their skin color, ancestry, class, and gender. Now as the nation quickly moves along the path of becoming nonwhite in which historical minorities are becoming the majority rather than denying or resisting or trying to remain in usual power while pretending to change, we need leadership which embrace such transformations and weave them into a just America for all as challenging as that would be in a nation not comfortable with having difficult though imperative conversations about cultural differences and the value for all for authentic not just symbolic multicultural unity.

The 2024 Presidential election year with two older white guys going for it symbolizes not age but ageless White Supremacy perspectives which are obsolete but still adhered to widely in an America still in denial about its white greatness and power in a society no longer all that white demographically and ideologically. 

Be it through Democrats and Republicans finding new transformative Presidential leaders to sponsor in 2028 or we see the emergence of one or more alternative parties which do take note that change is on its way since it has to be. White Supremacy no matter its ideological flavors or the demographics of its adherents has run out of steam. That is what we saw in that debate. Not age but the last breath of White Supremacy in how conventional politics are articulated. 

If this is all so hard to believe just look at what in fact is going on with American youth today. The media establishment wrapped in its older White Supremacy privileged garments fails to report well if at all about how different the George Floyd and more recent academic freedom ,Israeli arms disinvestment , and pro-Palestinian youth protest movements. They are not just the white youth only of the 1960s and 1970s. They are in the elite historically white universities sector,rich ethnic demographic mixtures reflective of the composition of the majority or near majority of the student bodies of their elite campuses too often governed by majority White boards, senior administrators , and alumni in a sea of chaos and change. The right wing majority of the United States Supreme Court can pass down as many anti-affirmative decisions it wishes but these youth movements plus older people in influential places who get it have already changed America for the good of a just society.

 We just now need the Presidential, Congressional, and Judicial leadership which as well gets it in understanding America is no longer a White Supremacy dominated land in a world in which White Supremacy still reigns. 2024 is a breaking point from being a nation in denial and resistance regarding who we are as a multicultural democracy as we proceed down the difficult road of transformation demanding the leaders who get it and will lead be it government, business, faith,education, media, law, health, social services,and AI.

And as I sit here in another multicultural society struggling out of its history of denial and with severe problems of demographic marginality and exclusion allow me to say this is no time in this culturally polarized and bigoted world to smugly point to America without addressing effectively such prejudices persisting in other back and front yards around the world. We the world with our international as well as national tools of justice governance need to do much more sincere “ better” in rooting out racialized and xenophobic prejudices and inequalities rather than pretending we are free from such or solely doing the minimum or the symbolic. If we don’t we all suffer from not only the loss of human capital but our dignity as human beings since when others are deprived of their human rights because of their ancestry or skin color or gender, it taints and degrades all of us. Let us all be aware multicultural justice is what we all deserve and need, not just in America. Everywhere we are.

Prof. John H. Stanfield II
Director ASARPI: The Institute for Advanced Study of African Renaissance Policies Ideas Mauritius and South Africa former University of Mauritius SSR Chair of African Studies
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